we can help you with

Career Progression

If you’re stuck in a job that is making you miserable, talk to me because it’s time to do something about it.

Career Progression

If you’re stuck in a job that is making you miserable, talk to me because it’s time to do something about it. Is there anything worse than going to a job day after day that you really don’t like? It’s so important to be happy in your job because your working hours make up a large percentage of your life. Being miserable at work will have a knock-on effect in all other areas of your life and affect your happiness.

Why do so many of us choose to stay stuck in a job that we don’t like? It’s because it’s so easy to get stuck in a rut and to remain in our comfort zone. For example, we’ve been in the job a long time, we know the job and we have friends at work. Plus, we’re good at the job, so it’s a case of better the devil you know… I’ve been there myself so I understand exactly how it feels.

Yet deep down you feel dissatisfied because you know that you could do so much better for yourself and fear of change is holding you back from finding a new job, the right job for you. Maybe it’s a lack of self-confidence or general lack of career guidance and direction. This is something that we will explore together.

The good news is you don’t have to continue feeling miserable and frustrated. As a coach and mentor of the highest level I have helped many people find their dream job. In many instances I have helped clients change their careers. Reach out to me if you are dissatisfied with your job and together we will come up with strategies to help you get the job that you really want, because you deserve the best.

 Nobody has to suffer in silence, including YOU.

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Nobody has to suffer in silence, including YOU

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Looking forward to hearing from you and helping you to transform your life.

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 5pm - 9pm
Sat-Sun: Closed


Phone: +44 7881 831377
Email: info@russellkedwards.com